
7 Tips to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

The air quality in your home can have a major impact on your health and well-being. Poor air quality can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and allergies, among other issues. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve indoor air quality and ensure that the air in your home is clean and healthy. In this blog, we’ll go over 6 tips to help you improve the air quality in your home and create a healthier living environment.

1) Vacuum Weekly

Vacuuming carpets, furniture, curtains, and other surfaces can help reduce dust particles and allergens that can circulate in the air. Be sure to vacuum any cracks or crevices in your flooring and furniture where dirt, dust, pet hair, and other allergens tend to accumulate. Make sure to change the vacuum bag or empty the canister regularly so that it does not become full of dirt and dust.

2) Dust Often

Start by dusting visible surfaces first, such as shelves and tables. Then, dust your window sills, blinds, and baseboards. Pay special attention to any items that have accumulated dust over time, such as books and picture frames. For hard-to-reach places, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a static duster. This will allow you to effectively reach all the nooks and crannies in your home and help to ensure that all dust particles are removed.

3) Change Your AC/Furnace Filter

Maintaining a clean and efficient air filter is a vital part of ensuring the quality of air indoors, so you must check and replace your AC filter every 30 to 90 days.

4) Get an Air Purifier

Air purifiers remove airborne particles from the air, such as pollen, dust, smoke, and pet dander, that can cause allergies or other respiratory illnesses. Air purifiers also reduce unpleasant odors, keep your air cleaner, and can even reduce the amount of energy needed to cool or heat your home.

When purchasing an air purifier for your home, make sure to do your research and read reviews. To help you with your search, here’s The New York Times’ list of the best air purifiers on the market. Things to consider when looking for a purifier are the cost, the size of the room it will be in, the noise level, and the type of particles present in your home.

Once you have purchased the right air purifier for your home, be sure to keep it clean, replacing filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

5) Let the Sunshine in

One easy and effective way to improve the air quality in your home is to let the sunshine in. Sunlight helps to purify the air by removing dust and other particles. During the day, open windows and curtains to let the natural light into your home. This will help circulate the air better and bring freshness into your home.

6) Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Chemicals can have a negative impact on the air quality in your home and can even cause respiratory issues. The easiest way to reduce chemical exposure is to switch to natural, non-toxic cleaning products. These alternatives are just as effective as harsh chemicals but are much safer to use.

Additionally, you should also try to avoid using any scented candles or aerosol sprays, as these can add unnecessary toxins to the air. If you are looking to freshen up your home with a pleasant scent, opt for essential oil diffusers instead of air fresheners. These plant-based oils can help create an inviting atmosphere while also purifying and deodorizing the air in your home.

7) Let Our Cleaning Professionals Help

Having the assistance of professional cleaners is a great way to ensure that your home stays clean and that the quality of air is never compromised. Simply Maid OK cleaning professionals are here to help you keep your home dust and allergen free so that your family is breathing clean and safe air.

Simply Maid OK offers one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly home cleaning services in Bartlesville, Owasso, Nowata, Copan, Skiatook, Oologah, and surrounding areas of Oklahoma. Call us at (918) 770-6346, email us at in**@Si**********.com or book online to schedule an appointment today.


5 Tips for Kid-Friendly Cleaning

Keeping your home clean can be a challenge, especially when you have little ones around. You want to make sure that your home is safe for your children, but you don’t want the cleaning process to be too much of a hassle. Luckily, there are plenty of kid-friendly cleaning tips that can help you keep your home tidy without driving you crazy. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing five tips for kid-friendly cleaning that will keep your kids safe while keeping your home clean and clutter-free. With these tips, you can enjoy the satisfaction of a clean home without sacrificing your sanity!

1) Keep all cleaning supplies stored in a locked cupboard

It’s important to keep all cleaning supplies and detergents locked away from curious hands and mouths. This is especially important if you have small children in the home. To prevent accidents, make sure that all cleaning supplies are stored in a cupboard with a lock or latch. You should also consider putting all dangerous chemicals such as bleach and other acids in a separate cupboard that can be locked.

If you do not have a locking cupboard, then consider using childproof locks on all cupboards where these products are kept. Keeping all cleaning supplies in a safe place will help ensure that your kids stay safe when you are cleaning.

2) Put together a cleaning kit for your kids

If you want to keep your kids safe while you’re cleaning, it’s important to put together a cleaning kit for them. This will give them their own set of supplies to use while they help you clean.
Start by getting a small caddy that your kids can carry with them. Fill it with the appropriate supplies like sponges, towels, dusters, and all-purpose cleaner. Make sure to use age-appropriate tools for young children and avoid using anything that is potentially hazardous.

Once the caddy is filled, teach your children how to properly use the items in the kit. For example, show them how to wipe down surfaces without leaving any streaks or residue. Have them practice on their own so that you can be confident in their cleaning skills.

3) Teach your kids how to properly use cleaning supplies

Making sure your children understand how to use cleaning supplies safely and effectively is an important part of keeping them safe while you clean. Start by introducing the basics of cleaning – emphasizing that cleaning supplies are for cleaning and not for playing with. Explain that chemicals can be dangerous if used improperly and that it’s important to read the directions on each product before using them.

When your child is old enough to help with cleaning, make sure they understand which chemicals to use for different surfaces, as well as the proper application techniques. Don’t be afraid to show your kids how to properly use a mop, a vacuum, a duster, and other cleaning supplies so they can learn the right way to do it. Additionally, provide adequate instruction when it comes to chemical-based products, including how to measure, mix, and apply them.

Finally, ensure that your kids understand the importance of washing their hands after handling any type of cleaner. This will help reduce the risk of accidental ingestion or contact with potentially dangerous chemicals. With the proper instruction and supervision, your kids can help out with cleaning without putting themselves in harm’s way.

4) Schedule cleaning time into your day

Cleaning can be a daunting task when you’ve got little ones running around, but it doesn’t have to be. Scheduling some time each day to focus on cleaning can help keep your home looking and feeling tidy and organized. One way to ensure that cleaning becomes part of your regular routine is to plan ahead. Before the start of each day, make a quick list of the tasks that need to be completed around the house. This will give you an idea of what needs to be done and how long it will take you. Make sure to factor in the time needed for distractions, such as children playing or needing help with something.

If you want to make cleaning more enjoyable, try involving your children. Give them specific tasks, like putting away toys or dusting furniture. This can help teach them responsibility while also helping you out. You may also want to set a timer and turn it into a game. This can help keep their attention and make the task fun for everyone involved.

By taking the time to plan ahead and involve your kids, cleaning your home can become easier and more enjoyable for everyone. With these tips in mind, you’ll have a spotless home in no time!

5) Take advantage of technology

Technology can be an invaluable tool when it comes to keeping your home clean and your kids safe. There are a variety of apps, gadgets, and other technology options available that can help you keep track of cleaning tasks and even automate some of them.

For example, robotic vacuums can clean your home on a regular schedule without your help. You can also find cleaning-focused apps that will remind you when it’s time to tackle certain tasks. Some of these even integrate with voice-controlled devices like Amazon Alexa, making them even easier to use.

No matter what type of technology you use, it can be a great way to make sure that your home is clean and your kids are safe.

cleaning service

Hire a cleaning service

If cleaning chores take up too much family time then let Simply Maid OK cleaning services take care of your home! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, deep cleaning services and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed.

Call us at 1-918-770-6346, request a quote, or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


5 Tips to Keep Your Living Room Clean in 2023

Looking for tips to keep your living room clean in 2023? You’re in the right place! The living room is arguably one of the most important rooms in your home. It’s where your family spends the most time together. It’s where guests will first enter. It’s where you relax after a long day. Hence, it is essential to keep your living room clean and organized so that it inspires calmness rather than anxiety when you walk through the door. Here are 5 simple ways from Simply Maid OK to keep your living room clean and tidy throughout the year.

1) Make the Time

Schedule times for yourself to clean and organize each day. If you do it little by little, then it will not all pile up like the dirty dishes in your sink. Start by setting aside as little as 5 minutes or as much as an hour, depending on your lifestyle and how often your space gets cluttered. By setting aside some time each day to clear clutter, you’ll prevent it from piling up and making a bigger mess than necessary.

Set a timer and begin cleaning! Try to make it a fun and relaxing time for yourself, so it feels like less of a chore and more of something you want to do. You can play music, audiobooks, podcasts, or anything else you like in the background. You can also turn it into a game for yourself and see if you can beat the timer. Do what works for you. The key is just setting aside the time and incorporating cleaning into your daily routine.

Moreover, if you find that you just don’t have the time to clean your home, then it might be a good idea to contact a professional cleaning service, like Simply Maid OK, and get an estimate. We will take some chores off of your plate, allowing you more time to focus on priorities like work, family, sleep, and so on.

2) Donate or Resell

There’s a good chance that you have at least one item in your home (or closet) that hasn’t been used in quite some time. Maybe it was something you purchased on a whim and never used, or maybe you received it as a gift and simply don’t like. Take an inventory of your items to find those clothes that don’t fit and those things you don’t use anymore. Not only will donating them benefit someone else, but it will make room for things that are actually necessary for you. It might be hard to part with certain items, but remember: If you haven’t touched it in months, chances are you won’t miss it. Aim for simplicity by donating those unused items.

If you find the majority of items new or in great condition, and have a little more time on your hands, you can resell on Craigslist, or online platforms like Mercari, Poshmark, and so on. This is a great way to make some extra cash back, and still allow your items to go to good use.

3) Designate Spaces

The best way to keep your living room clean is to have designated space for items. For instance, keep all of your electronics in one place, books on a shelf, or house plants in a corner. Set up a table for remote controls and snacks and make sure you put them back when you’re done using them. You can even create different sections with furniture: One area could be devoted to reading, whereas another could be reserved for watching television. One area could be for your children or pets to play, and another could be for sipping coffee or your favorite drink.

Having designated space for items can make a big difference. It’s easy to lose things when they’re scattered around a room, and if you need something specific but can’t find it, chances are it won’t get used. Designating areas for items gives them an obvious place to go, making them easier to store and access. And designating areas for activities gives you an obvious place to go, making it easier for you to enjoy all corners of the living room.

4) Use baskets or bins

Baskets and bins are great for keeping things in their place. Plus, because baskets come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and even textures, they can double as decor!

Rather than leaving books, magazines and newspapers lying around, tuck them into baskets you can then store on shelves or in corners of your living room. It’s a simple trick that makes a big difference over time. You can also designate bins for your children or pets’ toys. It will make play time more fun and cleaning up easier, too.

Using baskets or bins to organize and designate spaces your items allows for greater accessibility and will save you time in the long-run. Furthermore, you can always reuse the baskets and pins for different items and even place them in different rooms, as needed. Their versatility makes them a great investment for your living space.

5) One In, One Out

For each item you bring in and place in your living room space, you should try to pick one to take out. Whether it is furniture, decor, books and so on, this rule will help keep your home from getting too cluttered. You might not feel the need to apply this rule quite yet; however, once you do, it can hold you accountable in your efforts of organizing the living room.

The rule can also work in reverse, as “one out, one in”. So every time you run out of a candle or toss an old pillow, you can replace it with one new candle or one new pillow. This allows you to save both space and money!

Bonus – Schedule Regular Cleanings

Having a set schedule and making cleaning an expected, regular occurrence will keep your living room from piling up with clutter. Plus, sharing cleaning duties with your partner, family members, roommates, and so on is a great way to spend some time together while getting chores done. If you often find yourself busy, then it might be beneficial to hire a professional cleaning service, like Simply Maid OK. Residential cleaners know exactly how to treat your home, as these services specialize in their cleaning roles!

Contact Us!

Need help cleaning before the holidays? You know who to call! Simply Maid OK will keep your home clean, while you focus on the decorating! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


New Year, Clean Home: Welcome 2023 Dust-Free!

With the New Year comes a chance to start fresh and improve upon yourself in every aspect of your life, including your home, routine, and even your health. The new year also gives you the opportunity to set goals and make plans to achieve them; here are some tips from Simply Maid Ok on how to clean your home and develop the habit of maintaining cleanliness, as you work to achieve your New Year’s dust-free and clean home!

Starting With a Clean Slate

There is no better time than a fresh new year to make resolutions that are going to be here for the next 365 days. Why not kick off the new year with a clean slate, fresh state, and fresh habits? Getting into the habit of doing a little bit more each day is a good way to start new habits for 2023.

Keep reading for more practical tips to get your home looking like you’ve flipped over a page and gotten things out of the way. But first, remember to take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale. This will allow you to obtain that fresh mindset to remain calm and positive, which can spread throughout your home. Remember that achieving goals and cleaning a home is a step by step process. Let’s get into it!

Goal Setting

What are your goals for the new year? Maybe you want to learn a new skill, start a new business, or get in shape. Whatever your goals are, it’s important to write them down and log them in a journal. Put sticky notes on your mirror or around your room.

These reminders will be great motivation throughout the day! This will help you stay on track and accountable. Plus, telling someone else about your goals will help keep you motivated. Find an accountability partner and work together to motivate each other.


One way to start the year off right is by decluttering your home and getting organized. This will help you feel more relaxed and in control of your life. Plus, it will be easier to focus on achieving your goals if your environment is clean and orderly. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with one section or room at a time. Don’t try to do everything at once or you’ll get overwhelmed.
  2. Cleaning does not have to be a daunting task that takes up your whole weekend. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes whenever you get a chance and see how much you can get done in that short amount of time.
  3. Some great places to start are the kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, and pantries. Throw out any expired produce and snacks that are no longer edible, to prevent bacteria and mold from growing in these spaces. Similarly, you can dispose of any cosmetics, cleaning products, and so on that may be in your bathroom or storage space.
  4. Another place where clutter piles up is desks, shelves, and even the dining tables. Find a new place for your mail and loose leaf papers. Organize any valuables, and so on!
  5. Finally, the closet. Donate any clothes that no longer fit you to a local charity organization. You can support orphanages, domestic violence and homeless centers, and so on. Find a cause that resonates with you!

Once you have assessed your space and decluttered, it will be easier to organize and maintain cleanliness!

Strong Organizing System

One way to help you achieve your goals is to create an organizing system. This can be as simple as creating a list of things you need to do each day or setting up a specific place for all your important papers.

An organizing system can help you in many ways. It can save you time by helping you find things quickly, it can reduce stress by making it easier for you to stay on top of things, and it can help you be more productive overall.

Personalize Organization

#1: Keep it simple.

The more complicated your plan is, the less likely you are to see it through.

#2: Make it customizable.

With every new experience in life, your needs change and thus your system should, too.

#3: Make your system tangible.

Examples include apps like Google Calendar, paper calendars, and spreadsheet trackers. Other people like to have an old school paper to-do list to make sure they can cross things off when they are done. Nothing feels better than being able to cross something off your list!

Consistency and Accountability

To motivate ourselves, we can set mini-goals leading up to our major goal. This forces us to be more consistent and accountable with ourselves as we break down what we’re doing and all the steps involved in it. To put it simply, begin somewhere and progress little by little.

Don’t skip a day, hold yourself accountable. Developing a good discipline routine is important, but seeking a support group or partner will help, too. Having someone to lean on, especially when times are tough, can be an enormous help.

Encouragement and Rewards

A new year is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and start towards a dust-free home. But it can be difficult to stay on track. That’s why it’s so important to motivate and encourage yourself along the way. Set up both short-term and long-term goals, as well as an even split of rewards.

Since as the days go by and you’re finding it more difficult to maintain your good habits, treat yourself as an investment by allowing yourself something to look forward to, like a day at the spa or buying a new book. That way, you will be motivated to do better in the long run and invest in yourself again.

Contact Us!

Welcome the new year with a clean, dust-free home with Simply Maid OK! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!