House Cleaning Tips professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

End of Summer Cleaning


As the summer season draws to a close, many people find themselves with a desire to clean up their homes in preparation for the fall. If you’re one of these people, don’t worry! There are plenty of end of summer cleaning tips that can help you get your home in order.


First, start by decluttering. Go through your closets and donate any clothes you haven’t worn in the past year. Sort through your pantry and throw out any expired food items. This will not only make your space feel cleaner and more organized, but it will also give you more room for the things you actually want to keep.

It’s also a good idea to declutter when changing out seasonal home décor. Take the time to go through holiday decorations you don’t plan to use this year, and consider donating.

Deep Cleaning

Next, focus on deep cleaning. This means scrubbing floors, washing windows, and dusting surfaces that may have been neglected during the summer months (like baseboards and ceiling fans).

Windows: Summer weather can leave behind dirt and grime on your windows. Clean them inside and out to let in more light during the darker months.

Carpets: Summer can bring in a lot of dirt and allergens into your home. Shampoo or have your carpets professionally cleaned to get rid of any buildup.

AC Filters: If you have central air conditioning, make sure to change the filter. This will help to keep your home’s air clean and prevent your system from working too hard.

Garage: Take some time to clean out your garage before the winter months. This will give you more space to park your car and store any winter gear.

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Refrigerator: Clean out your refrigerator and freezer, getting rid of any expired or old food. This will help to prevent odors from building up and keep your food fresh. Wipe each shelf thoroughly and reorganize.

Bedding: As the weather gets cooler, it’s time to switch out your bedding. Wash your summer bedding and store it away, ready for next year.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to get your home ready for the fall and winter months. Not only will your home be cleaner and more comfortable, but you’ll also be able to enjoy it more during the colder months. So, get started today and enjoy a clean and cozy home all year round!



Not into cleaning? We’ve got you covered! Get a Supreme Deep Clean to end your Summer! Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

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House Cleaning Tips professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

10 Genius Cleaning Hacks to Simplify Your Home Cleaning Routine


Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be a tedious chore. With these 10 genius cleaning hacks, you can say goodbye to cleaning stress and hello to a spotless and organized living space. Discover smart and efficient ways to simplify your home cleaning routine, saving you time and effort.

1. Use Vinegar for Sparkling Surfaces

Vinegar is a versatile and natural cleaning agent that works wonders on various surfaces. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to clean glass, countertops, and even floors. It leaves surfaces sparkling clean and free of streaks.

2. Lemon-Powered Microwave Cleaning

Tired of stubborn microwave stains? Cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice into a bowl of water, and place the lemon halves in it. Microwave the bowl for a few minutes until it steams. The steam will soften the grime, making it easy to wipe away with a cloth.

3. Baking Soda for Odor Elimination

Baking soda is a powerful odor absorber. Sprinkle it on carpets, mattresses, or upholstery, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it up. It will freshen up your home and eliminate unpleasant odors.

4. Dust with Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are not just for the laundry. Use them to dust surfaces like blinds, baseboards, and electronic screens. The anti-static properties of dryer sheets help repel dust and leave a pleasant scent.

5. Cleaning Keyboard with Sticky Notes

Clean your computer keyboard by sliding the sticky end of a sticky note between the keys. It will pick up dirt and crumbs lodged in the crevices, leaving your keyboard cleaner and more hygienic.

6. Toothbrush for Grout Cleaning

Don’t let dirty grout ruin the appearance of your tiles. Use an old toothbrush and a paste of baking soda and water to scrub away grime and mildew from grout lines. Your tiles will look brand new.

7. Sanitize Sponges in the Microwave

Sponges can harbor bacteria, but you can easily sanitize them. Dampen the sponge and microwave it on high for a minute. The heat will kill most of the germs, leaving you with a fresh and clean sponge.

8. Ice Cubes for Carpet Indents

Remove those unsightly carpet indents left by heavy furniture with ice cubes. Place ice cubes on the dents, let them melt, and then fluff the fibers with a fork or the edge of a spoon.

9. Dish Soap for Greasy Cabinets

Greasy kitchen cabinets can be a hassle to clean. Mix dish soap with warm water, dip a cloth into the solution, and wipe away the grease effortlessly.

10. Trash Bag Liner Trick

Place a few trash bags at the bottom of your trash bin before adding a new bag. When it’s time to empty the bin, the liners at the bottom make it easier to grab and tie the full bag.

genius cleaning hacks


These genius cleaning hacks are simple yet highly effective in streamlining your home cleaning routine. Incorporate them into your cleaning tasks and experience a cleaner and more organized living space with minimal effort. Try these hacks now and enjoy a spotless and fresh home like never before! Don’t feel like cleaning? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

house cleaning services professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

The Ultimate Guide to Professional House Cleaning Services in Oklahoma


Keeping your home spick and span can be a daunting task, especially with the hustle and bustle of modern life. That’s where professional house cleaning services come to the rescue. If you’re in Oklahoma and looking for top-notch cleaning solutions, Simply Maid OK is your go-to option. From efficient maid services to expert housekeeping, they have it all covered. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the array of services offered by Simply Maid OK and how they can help transform your living space into a cleaner and more comfortable haven.

The Magic of Maid Services

When you hire Simply Maid OK’s maid services, you can bid farewell to dust and clutter. Their team of skilled and experienced maids is equipped to handle all your cleaning needs with precision and efficiency. From sweeping and mopping floors to dusting hard-to-reach corners, they leave no stone unturned to make your home spotless.

Expert Housekeeping for a Neat Home

Housekeeping goes beyond routine cleaning tasks; it’s about maintaining a neat and organized home. With Simply Maid OK’s professional house cleaning services in Oklahoma, you can expect a systematic approach to keeping your living space tidy. They focus on organizing and decluttering, creating an inviting ambiance that reflects a well-maintained home.

Cleaning Tips and Hacks for the DIY Enthusiasts

For those who love to take matters into their own hands, Simply Maid OK has got you covered too. They generously share cleaning tips and hacks to make your home cleaning routine a breeze. Discover genius hacks to simplify your life and ensure that cleaning becomes an enjoyable and efficient process.

Why Choose Simply Maid OK?

1. Professionalism at Its Best
Simply Maid OK prides itself on its professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction. Their team is prompt, courteous, and respectful of your home and belongings. You can trust them to handle your space with the utmost care and attention to detail.

2. Customized Cleaning Plans
Every home is unique, and so are its cleaning needs. Simply Maid OK understands this and offers personalized cleaning plans to cater to your specific requirements. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, they have the right plan for you.

3. Environmentally Friendly Practices
Apart from creating a clean home, Simply Maid OK is also committed to preserving the environment. They use eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques, ensuring that your home remains safe for your family and pets.

4. Hassle-Free Booking
Booking your cleaning appointment with Simply Maid OK is quick and straightforward. Their user-friendly online platform allows you to schedule your service at your convenience, without any hassle.

professional house cleaning services

Experience a Cleaner Home Today!

Make your home a healthier and more inviting place to live with Simply Maid OK’s professional house cleaning services in Oklahoma. Say goodbye to the stress of cleaning and hello to a spotless living space. Book your cleaning appointment now and experience the magic of a clean and organized home.


Maintaining a clean home has never been easier, thanks to Simply Maid OK’s exceptional services. From efficient maid services to expert housekeeping and valuable cleaning tips, they have all the resources you need for a cleaner and more comfortable living space. Embrace the joy of a spotless home by choosing Simply Maid OK for all your cleaning needs in Oklahoma.

House Cleaning Tips house cleaning services professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

Efficient Cleaning Routines for Busy Families in Bartlesville and Surrounding Areas

Cleaning Routines for Busy Families in Bartlesville, Copan, Owasso, Dewey, Collinsville, and Surrounding Areas

Keeping a clean and organized home is a top priority for every family, but with hectic schedules, it can often feel like an overwhelming task. Juggling work, school, extracurricular activities, and various commitments can leave little time for cleaning and maintaining a tidy household. However, fear not! In this blog, we will explore some time-saving cleaning tips and routines that can help busy families in Bartlesville, Copan, Owasso, Dewey, Collinsville, and surrounding areas maintain a clean home amidst their bustling lives.

1. Divide and Conquer:

The key to managing household chores efficiently is to divide tasks among family members. Assign specific cleaning duties to each family member based on their age and capabilities. Younger children can help with light tasks such as picking up toys, making their beds, and dusting, while older kids can take on more significant responsibilities like vacuuming, doing dishes, and cleaning their own rooms.

Create a chore chart or schedule that outlines each person’s responsibilities for the week. This not only ensures that everyone contributes to the cleanliness of the home but also fosters a sense of responsibility and teamwork within the family.

2. Set a Cleaning Routine:

Establishing a regular cleaning routine can significantly reduce the time and effort needed to maintain a clean home. Decide on a specific day or time each week for thorough cleaning sessions. For instance, you can designate Saturdays for deep cleaning and tackling larger tasks, while reserving a few minutes each day for quick tidy-ups and decluttering.

Sticking to a routine helps prevent clutter from piling up and ensures that cleaning tasks are distributed evenly throughout the week, avoiding the need for long and exhausting cleaning sessions.

3. Utilize Cleaning Tools and Supplies Smartly:

Invest in efficient cleaning tools and products that can streamline the cleaning process. Microfiber cloths are excellent for dusting and wiping surfaces, as they trap dust and dirt effectively. Additionally, using multipurpose cleaners can save time and reduce the number of products you need to keep on hand.

Keep your cleaning supplies well-organized in a caddy or cleaning cart, making it easy to transport from one room to another. This prevents wasting time searching for supplies and keeps everything you need within reach.

4. Involve the Whole Family:

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Encourage the entire family to participate in “cleaning parties.” Put on some lively music and have everyone pitch in to clean different areas of the house simultaneously. Not only does this make cleaning more enjoyable, but it also gets the job done faster with many hands working together.

5. Delegate Responsibilities:

As parents, it’s essential to share the workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Don’t hesitate to delegate specific tasks to your spouse or older kids. Remember that maintaining a clean and organized home is a team effort, and everyone should contribute according to their abilities and availability.

cleaning routines for busy families

6. Seek Professional Support:

Despite all the best efforts, there may be times when the family’s schedule becomes too demanding to handle all the cleaning tasks effectively. During such periods, seeking professional house cleaning services can provide valuable support and give you peace of mind.

Simply Maid OK offers reliable and professional house cleaning services in Bartlesville, Copan, Owasso, Dewey, Collinsville, and surrounding areas. Their experienced and trained cleaning professionals can efficiently handle all your cleaning needs, from regular maintenance to deep cleaning sessions. By entrusting your home’s cleanliness to Simply Maid OK, you can free up valuable time to focus on other priorities without compromising on the cleanliness and hygiene of your living space.

In conclusion, maintaining a clean home is achievable, even for busy families in Bartlesville, Copan, Owasso, Dewey, Collinsville, and the surrounding areas. By dividing cleaning tasks, establishing a cleaning routine, involving the entire family, and utilizing smart cleaning strategies, you can keep your home tidy and organized amidst your hectic schedules. And when life gets exceptionally busy, Simply Maid OK’s professional house cleaning services are here to provide the support you need to ensure a clean and comfortable living space for you and your family.

Remember, a clean and organized home not only enhances physical well-being but also contributes to a harmonious and stress-free environment for everyone to thrive in. So, start implementing these cleaning routines for busy families and make cleaning a breeze for your family!

House Cleaning Tips house cleaning services professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

Best House Cleaning Services For Your Bartlesville Home: Simply Maid OK


Are you looking for the best house cleaning services in Bartlesville? Look no further than Simply Maid OK! With years of experience, a commitment to top-notch customer service, and reasonable rates, they are the go-to option for house cleaning services in Bartlesville. Whether you are looking for a one-time clean or regular weekly visits, Simply Maid OK has you covered. Discover and uncover why Simply Maid is the best cleaning service to choose for your home.

Why Use a Professional House Cleaning Service?

When it comes to keeping your home clean and tidy, you may be tempted to take on the task yourself.

However, hiring a professional house cleaning service has many benefits. From deep cleaning to recurring cleaning, a professional cleaning service can give you the convenience, reliability, and peace of mind that a DIY job cannot provide.

Using a professional cleaning service eliminates the need for you to worry about spending hours scrubbing and organizing your home, as well as having to buy expensive cleaning supplies.

Plus, the best professional cleaning services use eco-friendly products and specialized tools to make sure your home is spotless from top to bottom. And with their help, you’ll be able to maintain your home’s cleanliness with recurring cleaning services that fit your budget and lifestyle.

By taking advantage of the benefits of hiring a cleaning service, you can be sure that your home is free of dirt and dust while you focus on more important things. So, if you’re looking for the best house cleaning services for your Bartlesville home, Simply Maid OK willingly assists!

What Services Does Simply Maid Offer?

At Simply Maid, we provide a range of cleaning services to our clients. Whether you’re looking for recurring cleaning services, deep cleaning services or the best professional cleaning services in Bartlesville and other surrounding areas, our experienced and dedicated team of housekeepers is here to help!

We understand that every home is different and requires a unique approach when it comes to cleaning. We make sure to tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our core services include: general cleaning, deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, special occasion cleaning, spring cleaning, pet waste removal, window washing, and pressure washing.

In addition to providing excellent service, we also prioritize customer convenience.

That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options with no long-term contracts. Whether you need a one-time clean or a recurring appointment, you can count on us for quality results.

There are many benefits of hiring a cleaning service like ours. Not only does it free up your time so you can focus on other important tasks, but it also allows you to enjoy a clean and healthy home without having to do the hard work yourself.

When you entrust us with your housekeeping needs, you can rest assured that your home will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. We use top-of-the-line products and tools to get the job done right.

When you choose Simply Maid, you can be confident that you’re getting the best professional cleaning services in the area.

Simply Maid is Different From The Rest

When you’re looking for a professional cleaning service, there is no better option than Simply Maid.

We have been providing top-tier cleaning services to homeowners in the area for over five years and have developed a reputation for providing top-notch services. Our team of highly trained and experienced cleaners use only the highest quality products and take extra care to provide an outstanding level of cleanliness to every home we service.

What really sets us apart from other cleaning services is our commitment to deep cleaning services.

We go beyond just surface cleaning and use high-grade cleaning products and methods to ensure that your home looks its best. Thorough deep cleaning can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your home. With pride and honor,  our company offers it to our customers.

We also go above and beyond when it comes to customer service.

Our team is always friendly and willing to answer any questions you may have. We also make sure that our cleaners are up-to-date on all cleaning techniques, so you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality service every time.

At Simply Maid, we are committed to making sure that our customers get the best service possible.

We strive to provide the highest quality deep cleaning services in Bartlesville and are proud of the exceptional results we are able to achieve with each and every job.

Our Customers Say This About Us

“Simply Maid did an excellent job cleaning my home. Very thorough cleaning that left my home looking wonderful. Stephanie and her staff are professional, courteous and helpful. Highly recommend!!” – Laresa

“Simply Maid has made my life so much easier! My kids look forward to when Dede comes. Wonderful service!” – Maddie

best house cleaning service bartlesville ok
Simply Maid OK – Professional House Cleaners Bartlesville, OK Trusts

How Can You Sign Up?

All you need to do is fill out the form on our website and we will get back to you with a quote for your cleaning services. After agreeing on the quote, you can make a payment online or by phone. Once a transaction is complete, one of our cleaning specialists will contact you to schedule the first appointment. We provide the supplies, and all you have to do is sit back and relax while your home is given the deep clean it deserves.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer service team who are more than happy to answer any queries you may have. So why wait? Book today with Simply Maid and enjoy a sparkling clean home!