
5 Tips to Keep Your Living Room Clean in 2023

Looking for tips to keep your living room clean in 2023? You’re in the right place! The living room is arguably one of the most important rooms in your home. It’s where your family spends the most time together. It’s where guests will first enter. It’s where you relax after a long day. Hence, it is essential to keep your living room clean and organized so that it inspires calmness rather than anxiety when you walk through the door. Here are 5 simple ways from Simply Maid OK to keep your living room clean and tidy throughout the year.

1) Make the Time

Schedule times for yourself to clean and organize each day. If you do it little by little, then it will not all pile up like the dirty dishes in your sink. Start by setting aside as little as 5 minutes or as much as an hour, depending on your lifestyle and how often your space gets cluttered. By setting aside some time each day to clear clutter, you’ll prevent it from piling up and making a bigger mess than necessary.

Set a timer and begin cleaning! Try to make it a fun and relaxing time for yourself, so it feels like less of a chore and more of something you want to do. You can play music, audiobooks, podcasts, or anything else you like in the background. You can also turn it into a game for yourself and see if you can beat the timer. Do what works for you. The key is just setting aside the time and incorporating cleaning into your daily routine.

Moreover, if you find that you just don’t have the time to clean your home, then it might be a good idea to contact a professional cleaning service, like Simply Maid OK, and get an estimate. We will take some chores off of your plate, allowing you more time to focus on priorities like work, family, sleep, and so on.

2) Donate or Resell

There’s a good chance that you have at least one item in your home (or closet) that hasn’t been used in quite some time. Maybe it was something you purchased on a whim and never used, or maybe you received it as a gift and simply don’t like. Take an inventory of your items to find those clothes that don’t fit and those things you don’t use anymore. Not only will donating them benefit someone else, but it will make room for things that are actually necessary for you. It might be hard to part with certain items, but remember: If you haven’t touched it in months, chances are you won’t miss it. Aim for simplicity by donating those unused items.

If you find the majority of items new or in great condition, and have a little more time on your hands, you can resell on Craigslist, or online platforms like Mercari, Poshmark, and so on. This is a great way to make some extra cash back, and still allow your items to go to good use.

3) Designate Spaces

The best way to keep your living room clean is to have designated space for items. For instance, keep all of your electronics in one place, books on a shelf, or house plants in a corner. Set up a table for remote controls and snacks and make sure you put them back when you’re done using them. You can even create different sections with furniture: One area could be devoted to reading, whereas another could be reserved for watching television. One area could be for your children or pets to play, and another could be for sipping coffee or your favorite drink.

Having designated space for items can make a big difference. It’s easy to lose things when they’re scattered around a room, and if you need something specific but can’t find it, chances are it won’t get used. Designating areas for items gives them an obvious place to go, making them easier to store and access. And designating areas for activities gives you an obvious place to go, making it easier for you to enjoy all corners of the living room.

4) Use baskets or bins

Baskets and bins are great for keeping things in their place. Plus, because baskets come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and even textures, they can double as decor!

Rather than leaving books, magazines and newspapers lying around, tuck them into baskets you can then store on shelves or in corners of your living room. It’s a simple trick that makes a big difference over time. You can also designate bins for your children or pets’ toys. It will make play time more fun and cleaning up easier, too.

Using baskets or bins to organize and designate spaces your items allows for greater accessibility and will save you time in the long-run. Furthermore, you can always reuse the baskets and pins for different items and even place them in different rooms, as needed. Their versatility makes them a great investment for your living space.

5) One In, One Out

For each item you bring in and place in your living room space, you should try to pick one to take out. Whether it is furniture, decor, books and so on, this rule will help keep your home from getting too cluttered. You might not feel the need to apply this rule quite yet; however, once you do, it can hold you accountable in your efforts of organizing the living room.

The rule can also work in reverse, as “one out, one in”. So every time you run out of a candle or toss an old pillow, you can replace it with one new candle or one new pillow. This allows you to save both space and money!

Bonus – Schedule Regular Cleanings

Having a set schedule and making cleaning an expected, regular occurrence will keep your living room from piling up with clutter. Plus, sharing cleaning duties with your partner, family members, roommates, and so on is a great way to spend some time together while getting chores done. If you often find yourself busy, then it might be beneficial to hire a professional cleaning service, like Simply Maid OK. Residential cleaners know exactly how to treat your home, as these services specialize in their cleaning roles!

Contact Us!

Need help cleaning before the holidays? You know who to call! Simply Maid OK will keep your home clean, while you focus on the decorating! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


New Year, Clean Home: Welcome 2023 Dust-Free!

With the New Year comes a chance to start fresh and improve upon yourself in every aspect of your life, including your home, routine, and even your health. The new year also gives you the opportunity to set goals and make plans to achieve them; here are some tips from Simply Maid Ok on how to clean your home and develop the habit of maintaining cleanliness, as you work to achieve your New Year’s dust-free and clean home!

Starting With a Clean Slate

There is no better time than a fresh new year to make resolutions that are going to be here for the next 365 days. Why not kick off the new year with a clean slate, fresh state, and fresh habits? Getting into the habit of doing a little bit more each day is a good way to start new habits for 2023.

Keep reading for more practical tips to get your home looking like you’ve flipped over a page and gotten things out of the way. But first, remember to take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale. This will allow you to obtain that fresh mindset to remain calm and positive, which can spread throughout your home. Remember that achieving goals and cleaning a home is a step by step process. Let’s get into it!

Goal Setting

What are your goals for the new year? Maybe you want to learn a new skill, start a new business, or get in shape. Whatever your goals are, it’s important to write them down and log them in a journal. Put sticky notes on your mirror or around your room.

These reminders will be great motivation throughout the day! This will help you stay on track and accountable. Plus, telling someone else about your goals will help keep you motivated. Find an accountability partner and work together to motivate each other.


One way to start the year off right is by decluttering your home and getting organized. This will help you feel more relaxed and in control of your life. Plus, it will be easier to focus on achieving your goals if your environment is clean and orderly. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with one section or room at a time. Don’t try to do everything at once or you’ll get overwhelmed.
  2. Cleaning does not have to be a daunting task that takes up your whole weekend. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes whenever you get a chance and see how much you can get done in that short amount of time.
  3. Some great places to start are the kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, and pantries. Throw out any expired produce and snacks that are no longer edible, to prevent bacteria and mold from growing in these spaces. Similarly, you can dispose of any cosmetics, cleaning products, and so on that may be in your bathroom or storage space.
  4. Another place where clutter piles up is desks, shelves, and even the dining tables. Find a new place for your mail and loose leaf papers. Organize any valuables, and so on!
  5. Finally, the closet. Donate any clothes that no longer fit you to a local charity organization. You can support orphanages, domestic violence and homeless centers, and so on. Find a cause that resonates with you!

Once you have assessed your space and decluttered, it will be easier to organize and maintain cleanliness!

Strong Organizing System

One way to help you achieve your goals is to create an organizing system. This can be as simple as creating a list of things you need to do each day or setting up a specific place for all your important papers.

An organizing system can help you in many ways. It can save you time by helping you find things quickly, it can reduce stress by making it easier for you to stay on top of things, and it can help you be more productive overall.

Personalize Organization

#1: Keep it simple.

The more complicated your plan is, the less likely you are to see it through.

#2: Make it customizable.

With every new experience in life, your needs change and thus your system should, too.

#3: Make your system tangible.

Examples include apps like Google Calendar, paper calendars, and spreadsheet trackers. Other people like to have an old school paper to-do list to make sure they can cross things off when they are done. Nothing feels better than being able to cross something off your list!

Consistency and Accountability

To motivate ourselves, we can set mini-goals leading up to our major goal. This forces us to be more consistent and accountable with ourselves as we break down what we’re doing and all the steps involved in it. To put it simply, begin somewhere and progress little by little.

Don’t skip a day, hold yourself accountable. Developing a good discipline routine is important, but seeking a support group or partner will help, too. Having someone to lean on, especially when times are tough, can be an enormous help.

Encouragement and Rewards

A new year is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and start towards a dust-free home. But it can be difficult to stay on track. That’s why it’s so important to motivate and encourage yourself along the way. Set up both short-term and long-term goals, as well as an even split of rewards.

Since as the days go by and you’re finding it more difficult to maintain your good habits, treat yourself as an investment by allowing yourself something to look forward to, like a day at the spa or buying a new book. That way, you will be motivated to do better in the long run and invest in yourself again.

Contact Us!

Welcome the new year with a clean, dust-free home with Simply Maid OK! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


Post-Holiday Home Refresh: Give Your Home the TLC It Deserves

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s finally time to give your home the post-holiday home refresh it deserves. Whether you had an intimate gathering of close friends and family or a house full of guests, chances are your home is in need of some post-holiday cleaning. Don’t worry; this blog post will provide some easy and affordable ideas to help you give your home the TLC it needs after the holidays. From decluttering to dusting, get ready to tackle the post-holiday home refresh with ease.

Take Down All Holiday Decor

1. Take down all holiday decor. It’s tempting to want to leave the decorations up, but doing so can leave your home feeling cluttered and disorganized. Instead, take the time to carefully pack away any holiday decorations, lights, and garlands.

2. Put away all holiday dishes. Holiday dishes are often brightly colored and patterned, and having them out on display can be overwhelming. Put them away to create a more minimalistic look and feel in your home.

3. Get rid of any packaging. Whether it was from presents or holiday decorations, there’s bound to be plenty of boxes and packaging lying around your home. Throw it away, or recycle it if possible, to keep your space free of clutter.

Clean Out the Fridge

1. Take everything out of the fridge – Start by taking all of the food, condiments, and other items out of your refrigerator. This will give you an opportunity to go through everything and make sure that nothing has gone bad or expired during the holidays.

2. Throw out anything that has expired – When going through all of the items in your fridge, check the expiration dates and throw out anything that has expired or is no longer safe to eat.

3. Clean the shelves and drawers – After you’ve emptied the fridge, take a moment to wipe down the shelves and drawers with an all-purpose cleaner.

4. Reorganize and restock – Once you’ve cleaned and thrown away any expired items, it’s time to reorganize and restock your fridge with fresh groceries and other items. Try to group similar items together for easy access and make sure that leftovers are placed in airtight containers so they don’t spoil quickly.

Toss the Trash

First up, don’t forget to do a thorough toss of any holiday trash that’s accumulated. This can include wrapping paper, ribbons, packaging materials, and boxes for gifts. Start by removing the large items first and then move on to smaller bits and pieces that have managed to make their way around your home.

It can be helpful to use one or two large bins or bags for holiday trash so that it’s easy to collect and discard. That way, you can quickly get rid of any leftover debris without having to make multiple trips to the garbage can. Once you’ve sorted out the trash, give your home a final sweep to ensure that all pieces have been removed and swept away.


First and foremost, go through each room of your house, from top to bottom, and get rid of anything that you no longer need or use. This includes any decorations, extra dishes or cookware, or items that no longer bring you joy. You may find that it helps to create three piles: one for items to keep, one for items to donate, and one for items to discard.

Next, do an inventory of all the items that you’d like to keep. If possible, move any excess items into storage and donate the rest. This way, you can keep the things that you need without creating visual clutter in your home.

Schedule a Professional Home Deep Cleaning with Simply Maid OK

When it comes to tips for refreshing your home after the busy holidays, scheduling a professional home deep cleaning should be at the top of your list. Simply Maid OK can make quick work of the cleaning process while freeing up your time to enjoy the rest of the season with family and friends.

Simply Maid OK offers one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly home cleaning services in Bartlesville, Owasso, Nowata, Copan, Skiatook, Oologah, and surrounding areas of Oklahoma. Call us at (918) 770-6346 or email us at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today and give your home the fresh start it deserves!


Double-check These 8 Things Before Packing Your Bags for Holiday Travel

December and January are the busiest months of the year when it comes to holiday travel, with people flying all around the world to visit family and friends. While you don’t want to spend too much time worrying about what could go wrong, it’s always helpful to be prepared and aware of any potential problems that might arise. Here are eight things you should double-check before packing your bags for holiday travel this season, whether you’re heading across the country or around the world. You never know when this information will come in handy!

1) Charge your electronics

Make sure you charge all of your electronics and bring an extra battery pack in case one dies. Pack a power strip so that multiple electronics can be charged at the same time. Having a fully charged laptop is important for long flights or car trips- it will help entertain kids with games, movies, or shows and allow you to relax a bit and enjoy the ride.

2) Get some cash

When traveling abroad it is always a good idea to have some cash on hand in case of emergencies. Cash can also be very helpful on a trip when it comes to tipping, paying for parking, and other cash-only situations you might encounter.

3) Pack toiletries and medications

It is important to remember to check your toiletries and medications before traveling. If you run out of anything, it can be difficult or impossible to find what you need or get a medication refill when you reach your destination. This is also a good opportunity to make sure that nothing has passed its expiration date.

4) Notify your bank of upcoming travel

Notify your bank of upcoming travel before going on vacation and notify them of your return date. You should also ask if there are any transactions that need to be authorized while you’re away and discuss any other account activity with your bank representative.

5) Pack a water bottle

Whether you’re traveling the world or just to the next state over, be sure to pack a water bottle. Hydration is key to good health, so don’t forget to drink water before and during travel. However, make sure your bottle is empty if you’re headed to the airport. Once you’ve made it through airport security, you fill your bottle at a water fountain.

6) Check the weather at your destination

Before you pack, be sure to check the weather at your destination. This will help you pack appropriate clothing, shoes, and outerwear.

7) Don’t forget your passport

Check your passport before traveling to make sure it is up to date and that you have enough blank pages left. You don’t want to be stranded at the airport trying to get a new one issued.

8) Book a professional home cleaning with Simply Maid OK

A final thing to double-check is the condition of your home. Before you leave, schedule a professional cleaning with Simply Maid OK so that when you return, your home will be a fresh and relaxing space to return to.

Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


Ways to Organize Your Kitchen & Maintain Cleanliness

The kitchen can feel like it will never stay clean! Dishes pile up in the sink again. Counters get dirty again. Drinks spill again. The list goes on. Your to-do list gets longer and longer. You start to get stressed.

Making sure your kitchen stays clean will not only make it easier to cook but also safer for you and your family’s health. It will also help you save money as you will be able to find and use what is already in your cabinets, pantry, and refrigerator, rather than never finding it until it has already expired. That’s why it’s important to regularly clean your kitchen and keep everything organized. Here are eight tips to help you do just that! And, if you want to take some chores off of your plate, you can also hire us, Simply Maid OK, a residential cleaning service, to keep your kitchen and living space spotless!

1) Keep Your Cupboards Tidy
Kitchen cupboards are notorious for getting messy, with items piling up and not being organized. To keep your kitchen clean, remove all of your dishes from your cupboards and go through them, one by one to decide what you want to keep. You can donate any extras or upcycle anything that does not get used in your kitchen.

Now that everything is out of the cupboards, you can easily wipe down your cabinets from any dust or debris. Consider adding cabinet liners to keep both the surfaces and the dishes clean. It will be much easier to keep the cabinets clean and tidy with less clutter!

2) Clean As You Go
When cooking, be sure to clean as you go. Keeping your kitchen clean when you’re preparing meals and cleaning immediately afterward is one of the best ways to avoid a stressful kitchen mess later on. This simple habit can have a huge impact on how clean your kitchen looks at any given time.

Stop creating more work for yourself! Simply wash your dishes after each meal, wipe down surfaces immediately after use and take out all trash as soon as it accumulates. By cleaning as you go, you can destress the cleaning process and stay on top of keeping a clean kitchen.

3) Organize Your Pantry
Don’t let your pantry become a wasteland of empty bags and crumpled boxes! Keep it organized by adding labels and storing food in clear and labeled containers. We also recommend investing in shelving and baskets. You can get these added in by outsourcing a handyman or even do it yourself! This will help you to know what foods you have on hand and prevent overbuying or wasting, as well.

4) Get Rid of Mold and Mildew
If you find mold and mildew in your kitchen, it is more than unappealing; it can also mean trouble for your health. There are all sorts of cleaning products used to clean and disinfect kitchens, but if you need a quick fix before heading off to buy cleaning supplies, head over to your pantry and grab some vinegar. A spray bottle full of vinegar can help fight off most mold and mildew hiding in corners and crevices and prevent it from returning.

Be sure to use gloves, masks, and proper procedures when handling mold. This would also be a great time to consult professional cleaners like us!

5) Declutter Your Drawers
Decluttering your drawers is also a good idea. Clear out all of your drawers so you can start fresh and know where all of your kitchen utensils are. This will also make it easier for you to clean them later on, as they’ll be organized. If there’s anything that isn’t used regularly, consider donating it. Also, consider throwing away any damaged or worn utensils.

Cleaning out your kitchen drawers will also make cooking easier. You’ll know where everything is, and you won’t have to hunt for a spatula or a whisk. It can be hard to find things when you don’t have a system in place, so cleaning out your kitchen drawers is an important first step.

Invest in drawer organizers. Some for utensils, some for spices. We love a good spice rack, but you can also set up an organized spice cabinet.

6) Clean Out the Refrigerator
Before you can clean your kitchen, you first need to figure out what you have in it. Take an inventory of all food items in your refrigerator. You may be surprised at how much is inside! Be sure to check expiration dates and best-by dates on all food items. Throw out any expired food and organize the fresh food remaining.

Once you’ve cleaned out your refrigerator, scrub it down. Wipe down all of the refrigerator shelves and walls. Take out any removable shelves and wash them with warm soap and water. Don’t forget to clean out the refrigerator door and its shelves, too! Then, let dry and put everything back in its place. Reorganize if necessary!

7) Invest in Mats.
Using a kitchen mat under the sink and dishwasher, as well as under the stove, would be a great idea. This will prevent damage to your flooring and protect your wood, tiles, and so on. You can also use this as a way to decorate and spruce up your kitchen to make it somewhere you enjoy spending time!

8) Prevent Clutter From Building Up Again
It’s important to keep up with regular cleaning and maintenance in order to prevent clutter from building up again. By spending a little time each day cleaning the kitchen, you can maintain the cleanliness day after day. Set up a routine, like five minutes after each meal or 10 minutes every night. Enlist the help of your family or your kids to keep up with the kitchen cleaning or make a fun game out of it! Sharing chores or doing them together always makes it more enjoyable!

Hire An Exceptional Cleaning Service
Hiring a cleaning service can take the stress of maintaining a clean kitchen off of your hands. Even if you consider yourself a great cleaner, it’s easy to let things slip when you have so many other responsibilities in life. If you’re looking for an easier way to keep your kitchen spotless, look into hiring an exceptional cleaning service that will do all of the hard work for you!

Contact Us!
Simply Maid OK will keep your kitchen and your home both organized and clean! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


10 Ways to Show Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Thanking someone goes a long way in showing your gratitude, but it’s tricky to know how exactly to say it. If you want to go beyond simply sending an email or text message, this blog will help you show thanks through meaningful actions and thoughtful gifts. Here are 10 ways, approved by Simply Maid OK, to show gratitude this Thanksgiving.

1) Send Thanks in Advance
Spend some time this Thanksgiving expressing your gratitude to your host. Maybe you can send a thank you note, or perhaps you can help prepare the meal. Plan ahead and prepare a dish or two your family and friends will love for friendsgiving. This will make the holiday extra special.

2) Use the Right Words
Get specific about what you are thankful for. You should give specifics instead of simply thanking someone for everything. Acknowledge both big and small achievements. Don’t forget to mention the little things that make your life better, like your spouse always having your favorite snacks on hand or a coworker who makes your day brighter. Don’t forget to make it personal! You should let the person know why you’re thankful for them and what they mean to you. If you can, share a story or memory that shows why they’re special to you. Don’t feel like you have to write a novel. Write a short note, a sweet poem, or just express your feelings!

3) Make a Meaningful Phone Call
One way to show your gratitude this Thanksgiving is to make a meaningful phone call. When was the last time you called just to catch up with someone, without any ulterior motive? Instead of waiting for someone to call you, take the initiative and reach out. You’ll be surprised how good it feels—and how appreciated your call will be.

4) Plan Quality Time
Take this opportunity to show your loved ones you are grateful for them by spending quality time together. Turn off all electronics and focus on the conversation. Also, you could share old memories, play games, or watch a movie together. Plan date ideas in advance or plan a day out to spend more time together! Whatever you decide to do, be sure it’s something everyone will enjoy. Spending quality time demonstrates your care.

5) Give Back
This Thanksgiving, why not show your gratitude by giving back? You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen or food bank, or simply do something kind for someone in your life. Even better, do something kind for a stranger! Just make someone smile, whether you give a genuine compliment, pay for their coffee, or so on!

6) Respond with Action
This Thanksgiving, take the time to show your loved ones how much you appreciate them with more than just words. Consider expressing your gratitude through acts of service. For example, if your roommate tends to do your dishes when you are busy and you usually just say thanks – now is your chance to switch it up! Do the dishes and take on some extra chores to show how grateful you are! Likewise, if someone has always been there to cheer you on or support you, make sure you are there for them and be present when they need you, too. Whatever you do, make sure your actions reflect positivity and thankfulness!

7) Express Gratitude in Person
Texts or emails that demonstrate your gratitude are still very sweet and welcomed. But, if you want to move to the next level, make an effort to express your gratitude in person. Technology keeps progressing, but more of these personal moments are necessary. In addition, it’s important to let others know you’re grateful by cooking a meal for them or taking them out to lunch. Doing something nice for a person that’s there for you is a great way to show how much you care. This can be as simple as a drive or long road trip to tell them thank you in person.

8) Write Down What You Are Grateful For
So, if you’re not sure who you’re thankful for right away or you want to spend some time reflecting, start by writing it down! Just the act of writing helps you get all your thoughts in order. In addition, you will always have a list of positive things to look back on and be grateful for, even if you’re feeling down.

9) Mind Your Attitude About Gratitude
Mind your attitude about gratitude each day – not just on Thanksgiving or for the month of November! Let’s make it a year-round practice.

10) Schedule a Cleaning
Show gratitude by helping around the house with chores. Even better, schedule a cleaning with Simply Maid OK for whoever you want to thank! You’ll be thanking them with clean space, less chores, and a fresh mindset! They are bound to feel special, as well as help and be there for you again.

Contact Us!
Simply Maid OK Cleaning will keep your home both organized and clean! Our cleaning services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


5 Cleaning Hacks for Parents

Hey mom and dad! Are your little ones playful and creative? Are they leaving behind messes after playtime? Are you tired of picking up after them? Do you want to help them build good cleaning habits for themselves? Here are some quick tips from Simply Maid OK for a clean and safe home that supports children and allows them to thrive!

1) Cleaning After Crafts
Crafts are fun and a great way to keep your kids busy. But they can also get messy! If a Mr.Clean sponge does not work, you can try using baking soda mixed with warm water to clean crayon stains off of the walls. This gentle mixture should remove the stain, without removing any underlying paint. Furthermore, you can use a vacuum cleaner and lint roller to get glitter out glitter from rugs and crevices. Also, setting up a “craft mat” or “craft rug” with an old mat, rug, or blanket, can help protect your flooring to begin with!

2) Washing Up Toys
Well loved toys may need to be sanitized every once in a while. Use a laundry bag to machine wash toys like lego bricks, stuffed animals, and more that may be collecting dust. Some toys can even be washed in the dishwasher or in the backyard, using a hose.

Allow your child to help and eventually start taking this responsibility upon themselves with some supervision. Also, use this as a learning opportunity. Show them that different toys are made out of materials and need to be washed in different ways. Help them sort plastics and fabrics to wash appropriately!

3) Using Baskets and Organizers
Using baskets and drawers to organize toys and other belongings makes it both easy and accessible for children to play, but also put away. Use any extra baskets and organizers in the playroom or your kids’ rooms. These organizers come in all shapes and sizes, and even colors and patterns. Hence, this can also double as a decoration.

If you are not sure of how to incorporate these organizers, here are some ideas on how baskets can be used:

Use a basket for each group of toys. Cars in one, figurines in another. Dolls in one, fun costumes in another. Stuffed animals in one, sports equipment in another. The list goes on!
Use a basket for each hobby, like art supplies or gaming supplies.
Use organizers like bookshelves to keep a collection of literature and preserve your children’s books for a lifetime.
Use organizers like grid organizers, which come in 3, 4, 6, 9, and so on. You can put cloth bins in some of these squares and put decorations like plants, figures, and so on in others!
The opportunities are endless and your children’s play area is bound to be cleaner. No more stepping on Legos!
4) Disposable Dishes and Utensils
Stock up on disposable plates, bowls, cups and utensils for your busy season. This will reduce time spent on doing dishes and putting them away after. Make sure you are being as sustainable as possible and look for disposables made out of recycled materials or natural, compostable alternatives like bamboo.

Also, invest in a dinner set for your children that is specifically designed for kids. This will allow them to eat proper proportions, and also be able to start washing their dishes themselves.

5) Making Cleaning Fun
By putting on a clean up song or cleaning up together as a family, clean up time can be as fun as play time! Use your children’s favorite song or find a new cleaning song. You can even put on a Disney playlist or whatever gets the crew excited. Some families even recommend the five-minute cleaning hack. Here, they use a five minute timer to see how much they can all get done together before the timer goes off.

Finally, encourage your children to clean up after themselves by assigning chores with clear time deadlines. You can even offer incentives using a sticker chart or chore tracker. After a certain amount of chores are completed, or a certain amount of days of a clean room, reward your child. Allow them to pick out a new toy at the Dollar Store or go out for ice cream! This will teach responsibility and develop habits of cleaning. This will make your life easier in the long run, and also benefit your children in terms of their personal development and motor skills.

Contact Us!
If you are moved by our vision, our mission, and our positive testimonials, contact us today for a home cleaning. Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in, and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


5 Cleaning Hacks For Pet Owners From Your Local Pet-Friendly Cleaning Service

Your home can still be clean and cozy with your-legged friends around! The hair, the dirt, the scratches on your furniture can get overwhelming if you’re not prepared with a cleaning strategy or routine. Simply Maid OK, your local pet-friendly cleaning service, has got your back! Here are four tips on how to clean and maintain your house when you have pets. Keep reading so that your home will always look its best – even with furry friends around!

1) Remove Your Pets From the Room
First, let your pet out into the backyard or put them in their crate. Pets often get frightened or stressed when you’re cleaning around them, so it’s better if they are in another room or spot. This will allow them to feel safe, and also allow you to clean effectively and efficiently.

This way, not only will your pet be less likely to stand in your way but they’ll also appreciate that you don’t disturb them, especially if they don’t like vacuums or get skittish and nervous easily.

2) Wash Your Pets Food & Water Bowl
You wouldn’t eat out of a dirty bowl, so why should your pet? You should keep your pet’s bowls clean to ensure that their food and water stays clean and fresh.

Check daily! When you’re living with animals, it is absolutely essential to check their food and water bowl for dirt, debris, or pet hair. Plastic, ceramic, stainless steel and other types of pet food bowls should be washed at least weekly with soap and hot water. The hot water and pet-safe soap helps kill germs that can live in pet food and lead to sickness. You can also run your pet’s food and water bowl through the dishwasher to get it extra clean – just make sure that the material of your pets food and water bowl is dishwasher safe.

Also, it is recommended that you put a mat under your pet’s bowls to catch any fallen food or spilled water. You can find bowl mats at the local pet store or wholesale store to prevent inevitable spills from damaging your hard flooring or carpet.

3) Clean Your Pet’s Bed & Toys
Pet beds and other pet toys are used daily and can easily get dirty or stained. To clean dirt and build up from your pets bed, use a small amount of mild detergent and warm water. Let your pet’s bed soak in a solution mixture of water with detergent for about 20 minutes, then rinse and let air dry. If you are dealing with particularly stubborn stains, add baking soda to your detergent and spot treat stains with this mixture.

You can sometimes throw your pet’s bed or the outer cover in the washing machine and dryer for convenience and to easily get it clean and free from pet hair and dirt. Always read the tag to ensure the bed or cover can be put in the washing machine and dryer.

On that note, always read the label to ensure that any cleaning product or detergent you are using to clean your pet’s bed is pet-safe and non-toxic to animals.

Similarly, pet toys can also be washed in the washing machine or by hand. This is a great best practice to remove slobber and prevent bacteria from building up. This will also lengthen the life span of your pet’s favorite toys.

4) Vacuum Up Pet Hair Regularly
Most pets shed hair year round, and it is a natural way for your pet to do what it needs to. Unfortunately, over time, hair and dander can become embedded in your carpets and rugs, leaving you with pet-hair tumbleweeds. You can use a handheld vacuum cleaner made specifically for pet hair to suck up loose hairs and dirt from area rugs or furniture. This is especially important if your pet loves sitting with you and your family on the couch.

Alternatively, you can go over your flooring with a traditional vacuum or Swiffer; both are powerful tools that have been shown to pick up and wipe down small particles, which means they’ll remove dander and other allergens too.

For an even more thorough cleaning, use a carpet cleaner that uses a cleaning solution and water to lift up any dirt, dander, and pet hair that is still hiding in your rugs or carpet. Just make sure to read the manufacturer’s label to ensure the cleaning product you use is safe for your pets!

Contact Us!
These helpful tips will keep your house sparkling, even when company comes in furry and four-legged varieties. By staying proactive in cleaning your home of you and your pet’s messes, you can enjoy a clean home year round!

If you are moved by our vision, our mission, and our positive testimonials, contact us today for a home cleaning. Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


Simply Maid OK Supports Hopestone Cancer Support Center Through Cleaning for a Reason

Here at Simply Maid OK, we believe in giving back to our local community where we live and work in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Supporting the Hopestone Cancer Support Center in our Bartlesville, Oklahoma community means giving back to the community that’s given so much to us over the years. We hope to raise cancer awareness and help cancer patients in Bartlesville through Hopestone. We’re proud to be able to give back in any way we can. Keep reading and discover how Hopestone and Simply Maid OK have truly impacted the lives of the beloved people in our local community of Bartlesville.

About Hopestone Cancer Support Center of Bartlesville
As part of Hopestone’s patient and family support services, patients and families have access to wigs, hats, scarves, transportation assistance, prescription assistance, meal programs, and many other resources. Our generous donors and the community pay smaller fees to access our programs on behalf of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. Hopestone’s philosophy is one of “people helping people.”. Hopestone will continue to provide resources and assistance to make life a little bit easier for our community in Bartlesville.

Hopestone is able to offer counseling services through Samaritan Growth & Counseling Services and prescription assistance through Ascension JP MedCare Pharmacy through partnerships with local organizations. With Simply Maid OK at Hopestone’s side, we are able to additionally provide cleaning services at no cost to cancer patients through Cleaning for a Reason.

Simply Maid OK and Hopestone Cancer Support Center
Through Cleaning for a Reason, Simply Maid OK works with the Hopestone Cancer Support Center to provide free house cleaning for cancer patients undergoing cancer treatment. Cleaning for a Reason works with a variety of other cleaning companies across the country to provide complementary house cleaning for cancer patients who may not have the time or resources to clean. Simply Maid OK and the Hopestone Cancer Support Center are teaming up to promote cancer awareness in the Bartlesville, Oklahoma area by providing these complementary cleaning services to cancer patients.

Our goal: Making lives a little easier
Both Simply Maid OK and Hopestone Cancer Support Center both have a common goal to provide an easier lifestyle for those undergoing cancer treatments. We also have the goal to raise cancer awareness by providing these cleaning services, meals, and other necessities for cancer patients. Simply Maid OK has been working hard to make life a little bit easier for people going through this tough time in their lives. That’s why we’re grateful to be supporters of the Hopestone Cancer Support Center through Cleaning for a Reason.

Thank You to the Bartlesville Community
Simply Maid OK is a proud supporter of our local community in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. That’s why we support the Hopestone Cancer Support Center. We thank you for your help to those who have been touched by cancer. Your contribution will be used to provide much-needed emotional and financial assistance to cancer patients and their families and support vital cancer patient programs. Let’s continue to make a difference in our community of Bartlesville. See how you can help by visiting and and supporting cancer patients in our community.


6 Ways to Update Your Office Space

Studies show that having a clean office space can decrease stress and heighten focus, productivity, and even creativity! Keeping an orderly and organized space in your office takes some effort, but it’s an effort that can be more than worth it once you see the results. These six tips from Simply Maid OK will help you update your office space and keep it that way all year long.

1) Figure Out a Design
As soon as you decide to spring clean your office, it’s time to decide how you want the space to look. Start with something small. Consider your spring update and decide what direction you’d like it to go. Would you like to liven up the space? Do you want to organize your office space? Would you like to add color to it?

You can start by making a list of all the tasks you need to do to make your spring office update a success. These tasks include:

Add real or faux plants
Buy colorful decorations
Organize your papers
Replace your desk chair
Fix broken blinds or replace old light bulbs
Hang photos on the walls or prop them up
2) Get Rid of Clutter
Do you feel like your office is bogged down with files, loose papers, stacks of books, and stuff you never use? We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your office space clean and uncluttered to boost productivity and workplace happiness. If you’re looking for a little inspiration or some new ideas on how to start spring cleaning your workspace, we’ve got some tips on how to clear out the clutter.

Consider these three questions to get started: What’s going well in my office now? What needs some improvements? What do you want to just do away with? When you start by asking yourself these questions, you will be able to stay focused and goal-oriented in your spring office refresh.

Once you’ve identified what you want to keep, what you want to upgrade, and what you want to discard, it will be much easier to create a checklist of tasks to get started. Tackle one small area of your office space at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and to make incremental progress. Start by tidying the top of your desk, then take care of the drawers, and so on.

3) Add Color & Plants
Colors and plants will make you feel more positive at work this spring. It will also help you restore life to your office, especially if you work from a desk with no color or nature.

People may prefer an office space that is clean and minimalistic, with natural colors like tan and white. If that makes you more productive and happy in your space, remove excessive color and go minimalist! Create a colorful working environment by adding colorful artwork to the walls in your office or adding fresh flowers to your desk.

Plants are especially beneficial—aside from improving air quality, they can increase productivity by lowering stress and making people more relaxed. Sometimes office spaces can feel stuffy and boring- by adding plants and incorporating nature into your space, you can completely change the look and feel of your office space.

4) Update Lighting
If you can, switch out your lights with warmer ones, get a dimmer switch, or add a few lamps to your workspace as well. Besides brightening up your space, they will also help set the right tone for the season, making you feel more productive.

You can change your lighting to improve your mood and productivity, as well as decrease your business’s energy consumption by using energy-efficient lighting. Customize with fun lamps or LED lights to fit your aesthetic!

5) Update the Break Room
If you’re lucky enough to have a workplace with a break room, it’s worth spending some time sprucing it up for spring. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be costly—you can update your break room cheaply by focusing on one new decoration or addition at a time.

Try starting by cleaning up and decluttering the break room. If you don’t have a commercial cleaning service or janitorial service to take care of your break room, the break room can get pretty dirty after a while, what with everyone coming in and out of it. Keeping the break room clean means you can start fresh, brighten up the room, and make it welcoming again.

When you are done cleaning, continue by decluttering any items that don’t belong in the break room. This could be done by adding some art, making it bright and inviting. You may also want to think about adding plants. If you bring some life back into the break room, your coworkers will really appreciate it.

6) Refresh Your Technology & Devices
This isn’t just about your phone–we’re talking about your desktop and laptop, too. This is a good time to refresh your tech devices and can be as simple as decluttering apps and files (or giving them a good wipe down).

If you spend so much time touching your phone and computer, it’s time to give them a thorough clean. The way to do that is to use a screen-safe cleaning spray and a microfiber cloth to wipe down the screen and keyboard. Alternatively, you can purchase an air canister to spray away any dirt or dust under the buttons of your electronics.

After you’ve done the physical cleaning, it’s time to move on to digital cleaning. Go through your apps and delete the ones you no longer use. Organize your file clutter into specific folders for easy access later. Upload photos or files to a cloud-based service and then delete them from your device to save storage.

Invest in a Commercial Cleaning Service
Start off on the right foot with a professional cleaning service. Leave the cleaning and janitorial work to the pros who have all the right products and tools to get your office space sparkling. By investing in a commercial cleaning service, you allow your employees to be happier in their workspace, leading to more productive workdays!

Simply Maid OK Cleaning Services provides general commercial cleaning services, janitorial services, and disinfection services for your commercial space or your home. Contact us today to get your space spotless and well-maintained for your guests and yourself!

We serve Bartlesville, Dewey, and Ochelata, Oklahoma, as well as surrounding areas. We focus on green cleaning and use nontoxic cleaning supplies. We offer daily, weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning services. If this sounds like a good fit, it is time to invest!

Contact Us!
Simply Maid OK will keep your home clean! Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in, and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!