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Effortless Decluttering Cleaning Routines To Keep Your Home Tidy

Decluttering and cleaning routines can seem like a daunting task when it comes to keeping your home tidy. But, we can swift through as there are many effortless decluttering and cleaning routines that you can incorporate into your daily routine in order to keep your home neat and organized. In this blog post, we’ll cover some effortless decluttering and cleaning routines that will make keeping your home clean a breeze!

The Power of Purging

It’s amazing how much stuff we accumulate over time. From old clothes that don’t fit to unused kitchen gadgets, it’s easy to let clutter build up and take over our homes. However, purging your home of unnecessary items can be incredibly freeing and help keep a house tidy and organized.

When learning how to declutter and organize your home, start by identifying the areas that tend to collect clutter. This might include your closet, kitchen counters, or living room shelves. Once you have a clear idea of what needs to be decluttered, set aside some time to go through each area and determine what you truly need and what can be let go.

Simply Maid OK suggests following these tips for how to declutter and organize your home:

  1. Start small – declutter one room or area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Have three piles – keep, donate, and throw away. Only keep items that you use frequently or have sentimental value.
  3. Let go of guilt – it’s okay to let go of items you no longer need or use, even if they were expensive or gifts.
  4. Get creative with storage – use baskets, shelves, and bins to organize items you want to keep.

Decluttering and organizing your home is just the beginning.

The One In, Two Out Rule

When it comes to decluttering and organizing your home, one of the simplest ways is to adopt the one in, two out rule. It’s a straightforward method that ensures you keep a house clean and tidy. The rule means that for every new item that you bring into your home, you have to get rid of two others.

The one in, two out rule is a powerful way to reduce clutter and stop yourself from accumulating more things. When you buy something new, it’s easy to forget about the old things you already have, and they end up collecting dust or taking up space. But when you adopt this rule, it helps you be more mindful about what you own and whether it’s really necessary.

It can be helpful to create a system for implementing the one in, two out rule. For example, if you buy a new piece of clothing, you can go through your wardrobe and choose two pieces that you no longer wear to donate or sell. Alternatively, if you bring in a new kitchen gadget, you can donate two appliances you don’t use or need anymore.

Residential cleaning services recommends incorporating the one in, two out rule into your cleaning routine to keep your home tidy. This rule will help reduce the clutter and free up space in your home. Moreover, the more items you get rid of, the less you’ll need to clean, which makes the cleaning process easier and faster.

By adopting the one in, two out rule, you can start to transform your home into a clutter-free and organized space. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep your home tidy and ensure that your belongings stay manageable.

The 10-Minute Tidy

We’ve all been there – a pile of clutter in the corner, a few dishes left on the counter, and some clothes thrown over the back of a chair. It may seem overwhelming, but don’t fret! With the 10-Minute Tidy, you can easily declutter and clean up any mess.

Here’s how it works: set a timer for 10 minutes and tackle one area of your home at a time. Start with the kitchen counters, then move to the living room, bedroom, and so on. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in just 10 minutes!

During the 10-Minute Tidy, focus on removing any clutter that doesn’t belong and putting items back where they belong. For example, if there are toys scattered across the living room floor, put them back in the toy bin. If there are dishes on the counter, put them in the dishwasher or hand wash them.

If you’re struggling with how to declutter, the 10-Minute Tidy is a great way to start. It helps you to stay focused and only tackle one area at a time, making it more manageable.

Keeping your house clean and tidy doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Professional residential cleaning companies suggest incorporating the 10-Minute Tidy into your daily routine. It can make a big difference in how you feel about your home and your ability to keep it clean.

So, give it a try! Set a timer and tackle one area of your home for just 10 minutes. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in such a short amount of time.

The Set-It-and-Forget-It Method

One of the easiest ways to keep a house tidy is by utilizing the set-it-and-forget-it method. This method involves choosing one area of your home that tends to accumulate clutter, and designating a specific spot for items to be stored. For example, you might choose a corner of your living room for all of your magazines and books.

Once you have designated this spot, make a habit of putting any new items in their proper place right away. This means that you won’t allow any clutter to accumulate in other areas of your home, because you will have a designated spot for everything. By keeping a dedicated spot for these items, you will find it easier to maintain a clutter-free home, without having to spend hours each week tidying up.

One thing to keep in mind with the set-it-and-forget-it method is that it’s important to regularly check your designated spot and ensure that everything is in its proper place. It’s also helpful to periodically reevaluate the spot to make sure that it’s still the most efficient way to keep your items organized. With this simple routine, you can keep a house tidy and clutter-free with minimal effort.

The Deep Cleaning Routine

While simple decluttering and tidying routines are great for maintaining a tidy home on a day-to-day basis, it’s important to also have a deep cleaning routine in place to keep your home in top condition.

Deep cleaning involves going beyond the surface and tackling those often-neglected areas of your home that accumulate dirt and grime over time. These may include areas like baseboards, blinds, light fixtures, and even behind appliances.

To start your deep cleaning routine, make a list of all the areas that need attention. Then, break it down into manageable tasks and assign them to different days of the week. For example, Monday can be baseboard cleaning day, while Wednesday is for scrubbing bathroom tiles.

It’s also important to have the right cleaning supplies on hand. Invest in a good quality vacuum cleaner, mop, and cleaning products that are specifically designed for the surfaces you’ll be cleaning.

One helpful tip is to start at the top of your home and work your way down. This will prevent dust and debris from settling on areas you’ve already cleaned. Another helpful trick is to enlist the help of a family member or friend to tackle the deep cleaning tasks together.

By incorporating a deep cleaning routine into your overall cleaning regimen, you’ll ensure that your home stays in top condition and is a pleasant place to live. Plus, with a little bit of effort upfront, your deep cleaning routine will become easier to manage over time, as you’ll be able to tackle these tasks more quickly and efficiently.

how to clean your house in 20 minutes a day

Help Us Help You

While you focus on decluttering, let us manage your total cleaning ritual! Simply Maid OK is a professional cleaning service that suits your schedule and budget. We are a team of expert cleaners committed to providing the highest quality of service, so you can sit back and relax knowing your home is in good hands and achieve the tidiness of your desires.

Reach out to us at (918) 770-6346 or visit our website to send us your request! 

House Cleaning Tips house cleaning services professional cleaning residential cleaning simply maid ok

Best House Cleaning Services For Your Bartlesville Home: Simply Maid OK


Are you looking for the best house cleaning services in Bartlesville? Look no further than Simply Maid OK! With years of experience, a commitment to top-notch customer service, and reasonable rates, they are the go-to option for house cleaning services in Bartlesville. Whether you are looking for a one-time clean or regular weekly visits, Simply Maid OK has you covered. Discover and uncover why Simply Maid is the best cleaning service to choose for your home.

Why Use a Professional House Cleaning Service?

When it comes to keeping your home clean and tidy, you may be tempted to take on the task yourself.

However, hiring a professional house cleaning service has many benefits. From deep cleaning to recurring cleaning, a professional cleaning service can give you the convenience, reliability, and peace of mind that a DIY job cannot provide.

Using a professional cleaning service eliminates the need for you to worry about spending hours scrubbing and organizing your home, as well as having to buy expensive cleaning supplies.

Plus, the best professional cleaning services use eco-friendly products and specialized tools to make sure your home is spotless from top to bottom. And with their help, you’ll be able to maintain your home’s cleanliness with recurring cleaning services that fit your budget and lifestyle.

By taking advantage of the benefits of hiring a cleaning service, you can be sure that your home is free of dirt and dust while you focus on more important things. So, if you’re looking for the best house cleaning services for your Bartlesville home, Simply Maid OK willingly assists!

What Services Does Simply Maid Offer?

At Simply Maid, we provide a range of cleaning services to our clients. Whether you’re looking for recurring cleaning services, deep cleaning services or the best professional cleaning services in Bartlesville and other surrounding areas, our experienced and dedicated team of housekeepers is here to help!

We understand that every home is different and requires a unique approach when it comes to cleaning. We make sure to tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our core services include: general cleaning, deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, special occasion cleaning, spring cleaning, pet waste removal, window washing, and pressure washing.

In addition to providing excellent service, we also prioritize customer convenience.

That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options with no long-term contracts. Whether you need a one-time clean or a recurring appointment, you can count on us for quality results.

There are many benefits of hiring a cleaning service like ours. Not only does it free up your time so you can focus on other important tasks, but it also allows you to enjoy a clean and healthy home without having to do the hard work yourself.

When you entrust us with your housekeeping needs, you can rest assured that your home will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. We use top-of-the-line products and tools to get the job done right.

When you choose Simply Maid, you can be confident that you’re getting the best professional cleaning services in the area.

Simply Maid is Different From The Rest

When you’re looking for a professional cleaning service, there is no better option than Simply Maid.

We have been providing top-tier cleaning services to homeowners in the area for over five years and have developed a reputation for providing top-notch services. Our team of highly trained and experienced cleaners use only the highest quality products and take extra care to provide an outstanding level of cleanliness to every home we service.

What really sets us apart from other cleaning services is our commitment to deep cleaning services.

We go beyond just surface cleaning and use high-grade cleaning products and methods to ensure that your home looks its best. Thorough deep cleaning can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your home. With pride and honor,  our company offers it to our customers.

We also go above and beyond when it comes to customer service.

Our team is always friendly and willing to answer any questions you may have. We also make sure that our cleaners are up-to-date on all cleaning techniques, so you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality service every time.

At Simply Maid, we are committed to making sure that our customers get the best service possible.

We strive to provide the highest quality deep cleaning services in Bartlesville and are proud of the exceptional results we are able to achieve with each and every job.

Our Customers Say This About Us

“Simply Maid did an excellent job cleaning my home. Very thorough cleaning that left my home looking wonderful. Stephanie and her staff are professional, courteous and helpful. Highly recommend!!” – Laresa

“Simply Maid has made my life so much easier! My kids look forward to when Dede comes. Wonderful service!” – Maddie

best house cleaning service bartlesville ok
Simply Maid OK – Professional House Cleaners Bartlesville, OK Trusts

How Can You Sign Up?

All you need to do is fill out the form on our website and we will get back to you with a quote for your cleaning services. After agreeing on the quote, you can make a payment online or by phone. Once a transaction is complete, one of our cleaning specialists will contact you to schedule the first appointment. We provide the supplies, and all you have to do is sit back and relax while your home is given the deep clean it deserves.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer service team who are more than happy to answer any queries you may have. So why wait? Book today with Simply Maid and enjoy a sparkling clean home!

House Cleaning Tips

How to Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day (Over 30 days)

Cleaning your house can seem like a daunting and time-consuming task, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be! With these quick house cleaning tips and hacks, you can have your house cleaned in just 20 minutes a day over the course of 30 days. After reading and following the tips in this post, you will no longer have to waste your Saturdays deep cleaning your home. Read on to learn how to clean your house in 20 minutes a day (over 30 days)!

The rules

#1 Deal with what comes through the door

Create a space to unload the items you bring into the house and then take a few seconds to sort, trash, or put things away.

#2 Do your dishes after each meal

Don’t let your dishwashing turn into an overwhelming monster of a chore. We know, cooking and then washing dishes is a huge commitment. But, there’s no better way to ensure your kitchen stays spotlessly clean.

#3 Little things make laundry easier

Do a load of laundry (or two each day), so you don’t get weighed down by mountains of clothes, towels, and linens.

#4 Music (almost) makes housework fun

No one really enjoys housework, singing to your favorite playlist can make the daunting tasks seem like a cleaning dance break.

#5 Set a timer

Each of the tasks on the schedule below shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes. Knowing that you’ve set a timer will help keep you focused and lessen the chance of distractions. Now we move onto how to clean your house in 20 minutes over a 30 day schedule!

The 30-day schedule

  1. Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, dust wall art)
  2. Deep clean kitchen (wipe down appliances, baseboards, and cabinets, wash trash can)
  3. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, mop)
  4. Clean and sanitize all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters, and other high-touch areas.
  5. Surfaces clean bedrooms
  6. Clean one item you’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t (deep clean your stove, wipe down all light fixtures, or tidy a particularly messy area)
  7. Sweep and vacuum all floors
  8. Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, mirrors)
  9. Surface clean bedrooms (dust, put away toys, and clothes)
  10. Surface clean spare rooms (basement, office, play room)
  11. Surface clean living room and kitchen (pick up stray items, dust, sweep, vacuum)
  12. Clean bathrooms
  13. Clean all interior windows
  14. Sweep and vacuum all floors and stairs
  15. Surface clean bedrooms
  16. Clean bathrooms
  17. Clean out closets (hang up clothes, mittens, jackets, hats)
  18. Surface clean “extra” rooms
  19. Surface clean bathrooms
  20. Surface clean living room and kitchen
  21. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, and mop)
  22. Clean and sanitize all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters, and other high-touch areas.
  23. Clean out the refrigerator, take stock of food, and organize pantry
  24. Clean entryway, sweep porch, clean out car
  25. Surface clean living room and kitchen
  26. Surface clean bathrooms
  27. Surface clean bedrooms
  28. Sweep and vacuum all floors
  29. Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets, or regular closet if not applicable
  30. Surface clean living room and kitchen
how to clean your house in 20 minutes a day
Your Bartlesville, Oklahoma local small cleaning business: Simply Maid OK

Still Feeling Overwhelmed?

This schedule we’ve created is designed to make sure that your home stays clean and organized, while also ensuring that the task of house cleaning doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

However, it does require commitment. If you find this schedule too difficult to stick to or know you are way too busy to complete each task daily, consider hiring Simply Maid OK.

We’ll take the stress out of your housework with our customizable, competitively-priced home cleaning services. If you live in Bartlesville OK, Dewey OK, Skiatook OK, Nowata OK, Owasso OK, Copan OK or surrounding areas then call us today at (918) 770-6346 for your free estimate!


Double-check These 8 Things Before Packing Your Bags for Holiday Travel

December and January are the busiest months of the year when it comes to holiday travel, with people flying all around the world to visit family and friends. While you don’t want to spend too much time worrying about what could go wrong, it’s always helpful to be prepared and aware of any potential problems that might arise. Here are eight things you should double-check before packing your bags for holiday travel this season, whether you’re heading across the country or around the world. You never know when this information will come in handy!

1) Charge your electronics

Make sure you charge all of your electronics and bring an extra battery pack in case one dies. Pack a power strip so that multiple electronics can be charged at the same time. Having a fully charged laptop is important for long flights or car trips- it will help entertain kids with games, movies, or shows and allow you to relax a bit and enjoy the ride.

2) Get some cash

When traveling abroad it is always a good idea to have some cash on hand in case of emergencies. Cash can also be very helpful on a trip when it comes to tipping, paying for parking, and other cash-only situations you might encounter.

3) Pack toiletries and medications

It is important to remember to check your toiletries and medications before traveling. If you run out of anything, it can be difficult or impossible to find what you need or get a medication refill when you reach your destination. This is also a good opportunity to make sure that nothing has passed its expiration date.

4) Notify your bank of upcoming travel

Notify your bank of upcoming travel before going on vacation and notify them of your return date. You should also ask if there are any transactions that need to be authorized while you’re away and discuss any other account activity with your bank representative.

5) Pack a water bottle

Whether you’re traveling the world or just to the next state over, be sure to pack a water bottle. Hydration is key to good health, so don’t forget to drink water before and during travel. However, make sure your bottle is empty if you’re headed to the airport. Once you’ve made it through airport security, you fill your bottle at a water fountain.

6) Check the weather at your destination

Before you pack, be sure to check the weather at your destination. This will help you pack appropriate clothing, shoes, and outerwear.

7) Don’t forget your passport

Check your passport before traveling to make sure it is up to date and that you have enough blank pages left. You don’t want to be stranded at the airport trying to get a new one issued.

8) Book a professional home cleaning with Simply Maid OK

A final thing to double-check is the condition of your home. Before you leave, schedule a professional cleaning with Simply Maid OK so that when you return, your home will be a fresh and relaxing space to return to.

Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email at in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!


The Benefits of Essential Oils for Your Home

What are essential oils? Do essential oils really work? Are they worth it? Here at Simply Maid OK, we are passionate about natural cleaning products and low-toxicity products. We find alternatives for the cleaners we use in your home, as well as in our own homes! We also find alternatives for other products that are typically high in chemical content, to replace them with a healthier opinion. So, when we found out that the candles we enjoy smelling and gifting so much we’re actually harming us and our environment, we knew we had to make the switch.

After digging deeper into air fresheners and other types of fragrances, we came across essential oils! Drops of essential oils can be put into diffusers filled with water. Then, they will spread a beautiful scent around your home. This will make any area feel refreshing and uplifting! Using essential oils also has many other benefits.

Researching Essential Oils
It is important to research essential oils carefully, as they are not well-regulated by the FDA. Often, essential oils can be diluted and infiltrated with other chemicals and extraneous ingredients. It is important to research brands and their sources before purchasing. Here at Simply Maid OK, we recommend Young Living for your essential oils and other non-toxic products. Plant Therapy, Vitruvi, and GuruNanda are also some other brands that have positive reviews.

After purchasing, you need to be cautious about using essential oils as well. If concentrations are too high, essential oils can be irritating for your pets and even newborns and younger children. Some essential oils can even be damaging to the skin, liver, and other organs if used improperly. Be mindful of the proper quantities and concentrations when using essential oils so you and your family can truly enjoy their many benefits!

Benefits of Essential Oils
Essential oils in ingredients like Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living are useful for their cleaning and antibacterial properties, as well as providing a natural, refreshing aroma that also makes your surfaces and home smell clean! Besides cleaning, essential oils also have several benefits for health and wellness. For starters, essential oils smell great and are the perfect alternative for candles. Next, they can have a calming effect, which reduces stress and can even improve the quality of sleep. Some can help with skin, hair, and other personal needs. The list goes on!

Some Favorites & Their Uses…
Lemon essential oil is one of the most refreshing. It just smells pleasant and clean. It is known for alleviating bacteria and fungal infections, functioning as an antiseptic, and so on. It is also appreciated for whitening teeth, toning skin, and more. Regardless, the citrusy smell elevates any space!

Peppermint oil is one of our favorites, as it is perfect for Christmas time. In aromatherapy, it is known for reducing headaches, improving cognitive function, and more. Some people even like to use a couple of drops of peppermint oil when baking brownies or other treats!

Lavender is a classic scent. It is known for promoting relaxation and restful sleep. It is also believed to alleviate anxiety and stress. Furthermore, it can help skin conditions like eczema, inflammation, and itchiness from bug bites.

Rosemary essential oil is said to encourage clarity and insight, relieve fatigue, and support respiratory function. If mixed with lavender, it is also known for promoting hair growth and strength.

Overall, essential oils have many benefits for cleaning as well as personal use. They are a valuable investment and we are excited to share them with our clients and the cleaning industry. As the cleaning industry continues to revolutionize and go green, incorporating essential oils is a great idea!

Contact Us!
If you are moved by our vision, our mission, and our positive testimonials, contact us today for a home cleaning. Our services include residential cleaning services, move-in, and move-out cleanings, and more. Our cleaning professionals will be able to answer any questions you may have about how we can help with your specific needs or concerns. We will leave you and your space feeling clean and refreshed. Call us at 1-918-770-6346 or email in**@Si**********.com to schedule an appointment today!